Over the past year, I have worked with a talented filmmaker named Amy Allcock. Together, we have created a brief summary of my epic journey to rainforests across the west. Funded by a grant from the Columbia-Kootenay Cultural Alliance, this work has helped me develop a unique perspective on the changes underway. You can view the film on this page. I invite you to have a look around the whole of my renovated digital home.
All this busy work behind the scenes helps to explain the long blogging silence….I’m back!
I wrap up this work and share the film at a time when climate change is much in the news. I can only hope that the growing intensity of the situation on this Earth will awaken all our hearts to the potential for health and well being, in every move we make. As the film points out, climate change is not just about the weather. How we ride the waves of change will say a lot about our capacity to love.
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