Originally published in ascent magazine, issue 40, winter 2008. What is my path toward & away from this earth? In the final installment of the yamas & niyama series, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes examines svadhyaya, self-study.
Child-rearing as an Act of Devotion
Originally published inascent magazine, issue 39, autumn 2008. How do we surrender all of our efforts & actions to the divine? Eileen Delehanty Pearkes questions isvara-pranidhanat, in the 9th of a 10-part series exploring the yamas & niyamas…
Can Meat-eaters practice Non-violence?
Originally published in ascent magazine, issue 38, summer 2008. Can a meat-eating person practise non-violence? Eileen Delehanty Pearkes looks at ahimsa, in the 8th of a 10-part series exploring the yamas & niyamas.
Wisdom of the Pines
Originally published in ascent magazine, issue 37, spring 2008. As an ecological epidemic sweeps through the mountains of British Columbia, is anyone speaking the truth? Eileen Delehanty Pearkes listens to the trees in the 7th of a 10-part series exploring the yamas & niyamas.
Yoga and Purification
Originally published in ascent magazine, issue 36, winter 2007. Eileen Delehanty Pearkes hikes into the fire zone & fights the urge to quit with tapas, self-discipline & purification in the 6th of a 10-part series exploring the yamas & niyamas.
Yoga and Celibacy
Originally published in ascent magazine, issue 35, autumn 2007. Does spiritual development require celibacy? Eileen Delehanty Pearkes looks at the nuances of brahmacarya in the 5th of a 10-part series exploring the yamas & niyamas.